Sunday, 20 October 2013

Mayor Island Club Trip

A great forecast and spare spots on the Mt Underwater Dive club boat presented itself so it was off on Mantra to get some much needed diving in.

Unfortunately very green water about so little in the way of photo opportunities.

Hayden has seriously upgraded his kit and was making the most of getting to grips with the new setup.

Its amazing to see the growth within the club of the interest and investment in photography. Ian had a new 10,000 lumen video light which unfortunately I missed viewing for myself underwater but will be shadowing him underwater next time to see its performance for myself.

A quick snorkel in the caves afterwards had a curious seal buzzing past.

Mayor Is ClubTrip from Dale Hobson on Vimeo.

The large caves at the north eastern end of the reserve are quite extensive in size with multiple exits but not a lot seen other then the Blue Mao Mao hanging about amongst the light rays at the entrances.

After this it is was off to Tuhua Reef and deciding the green visibility didn't offer much in the way it was change of lenses to macro to see what opportunities awaited.

Afterwards it was a drop-off for a couple of the spearos at the entrance to South West Bay while the remainder of us watched the seals frolicking on the rocks and the shallows. I believe the count got up to 16 and now regretting not re rigging and unpacking the gear to jump in the water. Have to remind myself next time to make the most of the opportunities when they come along!
Not great day for photos but good to get out in the boat and catch up with other members from the club.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Aldermen Islands March 2013

Aldermen Islands March

Had been doing a lot of paddling on the surfski over the endless summer and with so little wind had been getting out to the Blue water most days, some days as close in as 3kms so was super keen to get amongst it. An invitation from Greg to Whangamata for the day and I jumped at the opportunity.

After a few jigging stops on the way from Whangamata entrance we arrived at the Aldermen Islands and were in the water by 9.30am to be greeted by fantastic visibility - almost as far as you could see, easily 40m.

 Greg was off hunting the bugs and I was doing my David Attenborough impression hunting down the wildlife.

Enormous schools of Kohereu kept me fairly well occupied. Not a single particle in the water - oh for more days like this.

Next stop was the caves at where Greg's neighbour Gary went for a cray hunt on some pinnacles while his 8 year old son Jason and I went for a snorkel around the caves.

Outside the caves at Hongiora Island.

What a super confident kid in the water, no fear and gave me plenty of photo opportunities to take some shots - could even take direction, if only my normal dive buddies were this good.

All 8 years old and going into caves I know a lot of adults would have phobias about.

Next dive up had a crazy little Rat Kingfish playing the model game buzzing in for several closeups. Wont last long with his attitude once he gets to legal size with all the keen spearos about.

Greg looking grumpy at only landing only 2 crays landed for the day.

So many of my dives of late have been ruined by green dirty waters, bearable if you;re hunting but when you're focusing on getting sharp clear images not so good. Even though the fishing and hunting was dismal it was great to be able to get amongst the blue water and the stunning visibility that brings.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Club dive

Mt Maunganui Club Trip Mid January out to Brewis Shoal and Schooner Rocks, Lots of fish life.