Sunday, 19 August 2012

Schooner Rks and Okaparu Reef

Getting cabin feverish so headed out on the club trip to Schooner Rocks and Okuparu Reef. Decided to take the Wide angle lens as reports from the spearo's and others on the boat water visibility wasn't that bad when off the coastline. Headed to a spot a few hundred meters off the rocks.

Yuck, terrible photography conditions with too much particle in the water.

Visibility means two different things to spearos and photographers!

Regretted taking the camera as headed straight down onto a cave which some nice sized crays, all easily accessible and could have had my limit filled!! Potentially a nice spot with some many steep walls and holding a reasonable amount of fish life. Be nice when clear.

Plenty of Crayfish

After a long break between dives when in again at Okaparu Reef armed with 60mm macro.

Pesky fishlife kept interrupting my posing Triplefins!

Lots of fish life sitting out in the open but few perched in the nicely located positions for some nice profile shots so reasonably happy with what I did considering.

Nice to get out but not sure amongst the bad weather we've been having but really think the water needs at least three days of nice weather to get settled to make it suitable for photo's.

Life amongst the anenomies

Memorable quote from the day was when someone had got their new spearfishing suit on and hen asked a question said "I cant hear anything thru this suit's hood", and in reply " Didn't you listen to your parents when you were nine and they said masturbating would make you deaf!" Gotta love old fellas sense of humor!

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